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Find your strengths, focus on using them

One of the primary drivers of success is finding your strengths and focusing on using them. Your strengths are those personal characteristics that allow you to perform at your personal best.

The more you can narrow down to what your core strength is the better your chance of success. That’s why the key to having an excellent career is to ask yourself one simple question: “What is my biggest strength?”

So many people are in jobs they don’t like because they haven’t found the answer to that question. And because everyone is good at a few things and does them here and there, many talented people float in the pool of mediocrity – lacking real success.

That should not be. Don’t deny yourself fulfillment and subsequent success by failing to play in areas of your strength. You must nail down your strengths so you can discover your passion. Critical to success is finding and being sure of that one big thing you want to do forever – your biggest strength.

Here are three tips that will help you identify your strengths and find ideas for using them: (more…)

Developing yourself to success

Personal development. If you could put what drives career success into one phrase, that would be the phrase. Personal development is the conscious pursuit of self-growth by expanding self-awareness and knowledge and improving personal skills.

Basically, what it takes is for you to be aware of your personal drawbacks and strive to make yourself better – in every area, be it in personal or professional life.

The key component of personal development is self-awareness. If you do not know yourself, you cannot improve yourself. If you know yourself well, you will know what it is that will make you fulfilled. This knowledge is the foundation upon which true success is built.

However, the most common mistake you must avoid is thinking that fulfillment comes from what you get. Don’t assess career advancement opportunities based only on what you’ll get. The reason is that what you’ll get is not nearly as important as what you’ll become. (more…)